Name of Boards, Council, Committee etc.

Committees of the Board 

Under Section 5 of the Act, the Board may constitute every year such committees as may be necessary for the efficient discharge of its functions. Accordingly the Board has constituted the following three committees:-

Executive committee

Research and Development committee for cardamom

Market development committee for spices

The Executive Committee, the Research and Development Committee for Cardamom and Market Development Committee for Spices are statutory committees constituted under Rule (11) (2) of the Spices Board Rules, 1987.

Under Rule 11(3), the Board may also constitute such other committees as may be deemed necessary. According to Rule 13, the Board may set up any special committee for undertaking a specific work connected with its functions and appoint members including Chairman of such a committee.

The committees shall consist of:

      1. Executive Committee –

  1. The Secretary of the Board who shall be the ex-officio Chairman of the committee;

  2. The Vice Chairman

  3. One of the members representing the major Spice Producing States elected yearly by rotation

  4. The member representing the Ministry of Central Government dealing with Finance

  5. The Director or Deputy Secretary level officer of the Board.

  6. A member elected from among the members representing the growers of spices

  7. A member elected from among the members representing the exporters of spices

      1. Research and Development Committee for Cardamom

  1. The Secretary of the Board who shall be the ex-officio Chairman of the committee;

  2. The Vice Chairman

  3. One of the members representing the major Spice Producing States elected yearly by rotation.

  4. The member representing the Ministry of Central Government dealing with Agriculture

  5. One member representing ElettariaCardamomum Maton

  6. One member representing Amomum Subulatum Roxb 

  7. Member representing IISR, Kozhikode

  8. Director (Research)

  9. Director (Development)

  10. A member elected from among the members representing the exporters of spices

      1. Market Development Committee for Spices

    1. The Secretary of the Board who shall be the ex-officio Chairman of the committee;

    2. The Vice Chairman

    3. The Director, Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysore.

    4. The member representing the Ministry of Central Government dealing with Commerce.

    5. Three members to represent trade interests to be appointed by the Board from among themselves.

    6. An officer of the Export Inspection Agency of India appointed by the Board

    7. Director (Marketing)

    8. Two members representing growers of spices.